The SS14 Moschino show marked the 30th Anniversary of the Fashion House. With 70 models and an extravagant production the atmosphere was electric. Supermodels from the past joined the supermodels of the future to put on a truly spectacular show, celebrating three decades of fashion.

Two hair looks were created for this special show – good girl vs evil girl. The ‘good girl’ hair look was inspired by innocence and youth and comprised of a braid on either side of the head that met in the middle above the nape of the neck and was twisted into a delicate bun. This ethereal and angelic look juxtaposed the sharp side parting and slick finish of that of the “evil” girl.

“I wanted to call out the distinction between good and evil through the hair look to mirror the choreography of the show which saw the models walk down the catwalk side by side showcasing two sides of the female personality.” says Sam McKnight, Global Pantene Stylist Ambassador. 

McKnight took his inspiration from how the Fashion House had reinterpreted the iconic themes that have inspired the collections over the years. By focusing on four different female characters; the nun, the maid, the playmate and the biker, the look revealed a creative duality that alternated from street-glam style to elegant, accessible and highly refined.

Want to be a 'Good Girl'? Get the look!

The Products used where all by Pantene:

Ice Shine Shampoo and Conditioner
Soft Curls Foam Treatment
Intensive Damage Repair Oil
Always Smooth Hairspray

  • Start by washing your locks with Pantene Ice Shine Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Apply the Soft Curls Foam Treatment through the hair from root to tip and brush through
  • Blow-dry with a roung brush if you have curly hair and rough dry if your hair is straight
  • Apply the Intensive Damage Repair Oil to the ends of the hair for a smooth and healthy finish
  • Create a centre parting all the way down the head and section off into two pony tails on either side of the head
  • Braid the hair at each side of the head from front to back along the sides of the head and join the braids together just above the nape of the neck
  • Tie with an elastic and then fold the tail of the braid back up on itself, forming a bun
  • Tease the braids for an imperfect texture and spray with the Always Smooth Hairspray to keep the hair in place


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